Bower (1981) postulerte at følelser aktiveres i nettverk. En negativ opplevelse „vekker“ andre negative minner, tanker og følelser. Heldigvis gjør de positive det også. Activation of emotion nodes result in mood congruence in memory and judgment (Forgas & Bower, 1987), or in mood-state dependent memory. Mood- Mood+ He assumed that emotions are represented as nodes in a semantic network. ThrTohueghneatwproorckemssodoeflsopfreamdointigonachtaivsabtieoenn, ncohdaellsenagcetidvabtey wotohrekrtnhoadt essupthpaotrtasrethe inkompetent „mood as informastimionila“-rvinewm(esaeneinSgc.hwarz & Clore, 1983). kompetent If a person is in a positive mouondl,ikaepdositive emotion nodheapispyactivated, resulting in the activation of other nodes which include positively valenced information. In contrast, if a person is in a negative mood, nodes are activated that include depressive suicide negatively valenced inlikfoerdmation. unhappy satisfied © POSbase 2003 Finn fakta og øvelser i e-kurset på is a good boss